October 2010

PBK Executive Committee Election Meeting


4:00 p.m. October 21, 2010

Weichelt Lounge, Rovetta Business Building, Room 220



Joyce Simmons, Chapter President                             George Weaver, Membership Chair   

Annelise Leysieffer, Chapter Vice President               Bob Spivey, Encouragement of Scholarship Chair

Elaine Hull, Chapter Secretary                        Robley Light

Jeremiah Fisher, Chapter Treasurer                             Vivek Pal, Student President


1. Greetings

         After supplying refreshments, Joyce Simmons called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.


2. Minutes of the September 16, 2010 meeting

         The minutes from the September 16 meeting had been corrected and distributed electronically by Elaine Hull. The corrected minutes were approved.


3. Treasurer’s report

         Jerry Fisher reported that we have $3962.24 in our checking account; $2199.51 in our savings account; and $8351.61 in our foundation account, of which $2611.61 is spendable.


4. Election of new members

         George Weaver distributed a public list of invitees, containing only names and department affiliations.  There was brief discussion of the fact that the university list provides only the first-named major. In some cases the first major is not in the liberal arts, but the second major is.  Also, if a student is fluent in multiple languages, but has not taken a formal language course, he or she must pass a language test. The vote was unanimous to accept all of those on the list, and to accept an additional student as soon as he passes a language test. 


5. Invitations / meeting with Donna McHugh

         Joyce Simmons and Annelise Leysieffer spoke with Donna McHugh, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, regarding the invitations that President Barron will send to invitees and their parents.  Dianne Skinner, in the Admissions Office, will remove ID numbers and add parents’ addresses, and send the list to Donna McHugh, who will send the hard copy invitations. Fran Conaway is Special Assistant in University Relations and is the President’s speech writer; she will craft the letters to both invitees and parents.  In addition, Elaine Hull will send an electronic invitation early in the week following the election.  However, we will not send a paper copy, because Dr. Barron will send paper invitations to both the invitees and their parents.  Annelise Leysieffer will send e-mail invitations to campus PBK faculty, current and retired, as well as to community members.  She also suggested that chapter officers wear academic robes to the ceremony; they will be photographed with President Barron.


6. Strategy to encourage acceptance

         Joyce Simmons will contact the faculty who have previously been helpful in contacting students in their departments and ask them to do so again.  The student officers will also call or email those invitees who have not joined after a reasonable time. 


7. Student officers’ initiatives update

         a. An ice cream social will be held on November 9 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, in the Union Ballroom.  Freshmen and sophomores with a GPA of 3.5 or better, and juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.65 or better will be invited via e-mail by the Undergraduate Studies Office.  Costs will be split with several other honor societies, including Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Eta Sigma. Vivek Pal said that Phi Eta Sigma would share the cost if they could invite approximately 600 Phi Eta Sigma members who had lower GPAs than 3.5. The general opinion at the meeting was that this would be a further way to broadcast PBK. Representatives from each honor society will attend and answer questions.  Ice cream for 2000 students is expected to cost ~ $450.

         b. Tee shirts.  Vivek Pal presented a very attractive design for the tee shirts with the PBK emblem on them. They will be navy with gold lettering. We would purchase them for $6.25 and sell them for $10 each.  We anticipate buying 200 shirts, which could be sold to both members and non-members of PBK at Market Wednesdays and at the initiation ceremony. If we do not sell all of them this semester, we will keep them until next semester and sell them then.

         c. Information session. Vivek Pal talked to Dr. Craig Filar with the FSU Office of National Fellowships, who is interested in giving a talk to the new initiates and current members. He suggested Thursday Nov. 18th at 6 or 6:30. He can be the guest speaker for the Information Session for PBK invitees. If we provide pizza like last time, many people will come and this event will be successful for everyone


8. Hay Award  

         George Weaver will send the list of summa cum laude PBK members to Bob Spivey, who will then invite departments to nominate their students for the Hay Award, to be presented at the initiation ceremony, after presentation of the Excellence in Teaching Award to Dr. de Grummond.


9. Initiation program  

         We will ask James Dickson to design and produce the initiation programs.  We will ask Bruce Bickley to insert the presentation of the Teaching Award to Dr. de Grummond into the program.


10. Adjournment  

         The meeting was adjourned at 5 pm.


Respectfully submitted by

Elaine Hull