Spring 2009 Minutes

PBK Executive Meeting


12:00 noon, April 1, 2009

Weichelt Lounge, Rovetta Business Building, Room 220



Joyce Simmons, Chapter President

Jerry Fisher, Chapter Treasurer

Elaine Hull, Chapter Secretary

Bob Spivey, Encouragement of Scholarship Chair

Bruce Bickley, Chapter Historian

James Dickson, Student Representative


Absent: George Weaver, Membership Chair; Mark Weingardner, Chapter Vice President


1. Greetings and Introductions

         Joyce Simmons called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm.  


2. Minutes of the February 10, 2009 Meeting

         The minutes of the previous meeting were corrected and then approved.         


3. Treasurer’s Report

         Jerry Fisher reported that in the Foundation, we have $2,832.57 spendable income from the endowment and $7,684.62 in the endowment. We have $4,956.86 in checking and $1,022.21 in savings. These amounts include expenses for Dan Chaon’s visit.  We have received one check from the national office from students’ on-line dues, and we expect another soon.


4. Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Status for PBK

         RSO status would allow PBK to apply for funding for student activities.  However, it would also require that we have students as officers, with faculty as an advisory board.  Discussion centered about comparisons with other RSO’s on campus, including Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi, the analog of PBK for Engineering students.  The Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Linda Mahler, chooses students, including graduate students to be (officers). Bruce Bickley observed that PKP is a much larger organization and that they give fellowships. Joyce Simmons noted that they also have soirees with faculty and deans in local restaurants.  However, we may not be able to use RSO funds for soirees.  At the October Triennial meeting, Jerry Fisher will bring up the topic of focusing more on students.  The Parmele literature suggests that students have a faculty recognition event.  Also, there can be a serv-script on diplomas recognizing hours of service.  Students could serve as either officers or co-officers of PBK and could get credit for such service. James Dickson suggested that students be officers with faculty as an advisory board.  TBP is completely student-run.  It has 60 – 70 members and 8 faculty advisors.  They have two service projects per semester.  Joyce Simmons said that Kelly McDowell had indicated that there would be eight weeks before we could apply for money.  If we did have student officers or co-officers, we would have to change our by-laws.  We should do more research on the possibility of applying for ROS status.


5. PBK Visiting Scholar

         The deadline for applying for a PBK Visiting Scholar is April 15.  We would pay $500 plus local expenses.  We could choose two full days for the scholar to be here, which would include giving a public lecture and a more focused talk to university faculty and students.  The national office will pay the honorarium.  John Hildebrandt was suggested by Robley Light, who also asked Rob Contreras’s opinion.  Rob was very enthusiastic.  Elaine Hull agreed to ask the Neuroscience Program to co-sponsor the event.  (After the meeting, the Neuroscience Program, Biology Department, and Dean of Arts & Sciences agreed to split the costs.)


6. Nominating Committee

         Joyce Simmons will e-mail Mark Winegardner, who is out of town.  Three potential new officers were suggested: Darrin McMahon, who gave the talk for the fall induction; Dale Smith, Political Science Chair; and Andrew Epstein, who will give the talk for the spring induction.  Joyce will form a nominating committee to find candidates for Vice President and Secretary.  James Dickson noted that a student secretary could help.


7. Adjournment

         The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by

Elaine Hull