Spring 2016 Electees
Congratulations to all of our Electees.
Allen, Kayla
Art History
Austin, Nicholas
Bailey, Franklin
International Affairs
Behers, Benjamin
Biological Science
Berko, Madison
Editing, Writing & Media
Bockler, Olivia
Bowser, D'Jenaiya
Media/Communication Studies
Bridgewater, Azariah
Brooks, Elena
Butz, Morgan
Actuarial Science
Chianese, Samantha
Creative Writing
Claus, Alicia
Creative Writing
Clayton, Jasmine
Cook, Nathaniel
Cramer, Holly
International Affairs
Crawford, Sarah
Crenshaw, Alexandra
Cruzado, Haley
Currieo, Andrew
Biological Science
Davidson-Hiers, Catherine Deborah
Creative Writing
Davis, Allison
Doke, Connor
Donlan, Alexandra
Biological Science
Dreilich, Sarah
Editing, Writing & Media
Duque, Natalia
Edson, Kelly
Ehley, Desirae
Biological Science
Eichner, Alexandra
Political Science
Emott, Erin
Biological Science
Evans, Skyler
Creative Writing
Fountain, Ellie
Gillingham, Carly
International Affairs
Gobes, Carina
Greenfield, Alison
International Affairs
Hall, Rebecca
Harris, Heather
Hernandez, Danielle
Political Science
Higgins, Emily
International Affairs
Hughes, Lindsay
Media/Communication Studies
Hughes, Madeline
Classical Archaeology
Jackson, Asha
Jensen, Dana
Keane, Haley
Creative Writing
Lemakos, Valerie
Biological Science
Lindsay, Andrew
Computer Science
Love, Leesa
Editing, Writing & Media
Maloney, Mary Rose
Martin, Katherine
Creative Writing
Mazariegos, Shirley
International Affairs
McCann, Caitlin
Japanese Language/Culture
McDaniel, Lauren
Biological Science
McLean, Emily
McLoone, Amanda
Mercado, Cristian
Miller, Paul
Nguyen, Michelle
Biological Science
Nikolic, Ljubica
International Affairs
Oates, Ruby
Actuarial Science
Orlando, Robert
Palm, Deaven
Parslow, Andrew
Political Science
Peacock, Kaelyn
Actuarial Science
Perkins, Ceanna
Pingleton, Emily
Political Science
Ramcharran, Kimberley
Rivera, Veronica
Rosenfield, Jacob
Biological Science
Rumancik, Leah
Actuarial Science
Rupanagudi, Phalguna
Computer Science
Sabater, Katelyn
Media/Communication Studies
Shenton, Jack
Political Science
Sicius, Paulina
Editing, Writing & Media
Tomasheski, Kayli
Editing, Writing, & Media
Volz, Tara
Editing, Writing & Media
Wade, Deniece
Biological Science
Wait, Hannah
Editing, Writing & Media
Ward, Baillie
Media/Communication Studies
Wiggins, Courtney
Williams, Hunter
Biological Science
Zimmerman, Emily
International Affairs
Zuniga, Ekaterina
Abblett, Rebecca |
Biological Science |
Abdelahad, Mandi |
Biological Science |
Addonizio, Marjorie |
Biological Science |
Allenger, David |
Biochemistry |
Alvarez, Patrick |
Theatre |
Andrews, Rachel |
Biological Science |
Andring, Jacob |
Biochemistry |
Angulo, Natalie |
Psychology |
Arrieta, Angelo |
Political Science |
Arrington, Brooke |
Biological Science |
Asztalos, Phyllis |
Art History |
Badu-Mensah, Agnes |
Biological Science |
Barber, Stephen |
History |
Barthle, Jessica |
Theatre |
Bedgood, Samuel |
Biological Science |
Behrens, Colin |
Greek & Latin |
Bennett, Ryan |
Psychology |
Bennett, Trisha |
Psychology |
Berns, Jordan |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Bianco, Daniel |
History |
Block, Carly |
Psychology |
Bridges, Kandi |
Literature |
Brooks, Julie |
Psychology |
Brunner, Julia |
International Affairs |
Brustad, Benjamin |
Mathematics/FSU-Teach |
Bryant, Courtney |
Biological Science |
Carelli, Katherine |
Literature |
Carrero, Hadley |
Biological Science |
Carter, Kaylyn |
Theatre |
Carver, Nikki |
Psychology |
Casarico, Matthew |
Biochemistry |
Casas, Richard |
Literature |
Castilho, Dianna |
International Affairs |
Catanach, Tara |
International Affairs |
Chasteen, Joni |
Creative Writing |
Chechanover, Peter |
Political Science |
Chung, Aaron |
Creative Writing |
Ciuperger, Kloee |
International Affairs |
Clough, Cara |
Acting - BFA |
Coder, Catherine |
International Affairs |
Colbert, Max |
Biological Science |
Crane, Jasmine |
Media/Communication Studies |
Cunnien, Brittany |
Psychology |
DSa, Mitchell |
Economics |
Dadowski, Laura |
Psychology |
Darcy, Sean |
Theatre |
Davis, Allison |
Humanities |
De Francesco, Jenna |
Biological Science |
Demoya, Caterina |
Psychology |
Denton, Michael |
Literature |
Derett, Rafael |
International Affairs |
Desalvia, George |
Theatre |
Diamond, Alexandra |
Psychology |
Diskin, Harrison |
History |
Divver, Michael |
Environmental Sci/Policy |
Drew, Emily |
Spanish |
Duenas, Lena |
Psychology |
Dumas, Joseph |
Economics |
Dunn, Erin |
Media/Communication Studies |
Eckert, Brett |
Biological Science |
Edwards, Kristen |
Theatre |
Eichelberger, Gerry |
Biological Science |
Erdmier, Emily |
Media/Communication Studies |
Escarfulleri, Shaline |
Psychology |
Fairclough, Kahiya |
Psychology |
Falk, Olivia |
Mathematics/FSU-Teach |
Farran, Akram |
Biological Science |
Feit, Binyamin |
Biological Science |
Fernandez, Alexander |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Fernandez, Savannah |
Psychology |
Fernandez-Rodicio, Laura |
International Affairs |
Ferrara, Christiana |
Psychology |
Flanagan, Megan |
Psychology |
Foley, Amanda |
Creative Writing |
Fouts, Virginia |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Fraga, Kathleen |
Biomathematics |
Franklin, Jennah |
Psychology |
Fromm, Hunter |
Biological Science |
Fuentes-Keuthan, Daniel |
Mathematics |
Fussman, Devyn |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Gadea Guidicell, Ian-Paul |
International Affairs |
Gallagher, Kelsey |
Biological Science |
Garcesa, Arnel |
Biomathematics |
Garrett, Alexis |
Psychology |
Gentry, Elizabeth |
Psychology |
Gibson, Melissa |
Psychology |
Gillooly, Shauna |
International Affairs |
Girten, Nicole |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Glidewell, Victoria |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Gnanam, Vanathi |
Psychology |
Gonzalez, Katelynn |
International Affairs |
Gonzalez, Oliver |
Biological Science |
Green, Brett-Michael |
Computational Science |
Greenwood, Khloe |
Media/Communication Studies |
Gress, Erika |
International Affairs |
Hager, Matthew |
Biochemistry |
Hahn, Megan |
Psychology |
Halstead, Amber |
Environmental Science |
Harrington, Emmet |
Mathematics |
Hart, Alyssa |
International Affairs |
Heindl, Scott |
History |
Heraman, Dylan |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Herbst, Zachary |
Philosophy |
Heron, Cyril |
International Affairs |
Hertzler, Audrey |
Psychology |
Heston, Emily |
Psychology |
Hickox, Mackenzie |
International Affairs |
Hill, Corey |
History |
Holladay, Lauren |
Actuarial Science |
Horne, Eliza |
International Affairs |
Hubbard, Daniel |
Sociology |
Irwin, Cole |
Biological Science |
Islam, Maheen |
Biological Science |
Jabour, Karl |
Chemical Science |
Jacobson, Megan |
Psychology |
Jantzen, Morgan |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Johnson, Casey |
Biological Science |
Jones, Bryce |
Psychology |
Jones, Phillip |
Biological Science |
Justilien, Rebecca |
International Affairs |
Kamm, Emily |
Media/Communication Studies |
Kamps, Chloe |
International Affairs |
Kaouros, Natalia |
Psychology |
Karmel, Thomas |
Meteorology |
Kaus, Madeline |
Art History |
Kellett, Jennifer |
Theatre |
Kelsheimer, Carli |
Psychology |
Kenney, Danielle |
Biological Science |
Kessler, Meghan |
Psychology |
King, Brittany |
Psychology |
King, Justin |
Biological Science |
Kloss, Tiana |
Biological Science |
Kopanski, Jordan |
Theatre |
Kraus, Alice |
Psychology |
Krotec, Rachael |
Creative Writing |
Lafer, Charles |
Literature |
Lakus, Kimberly |
Psychology |
Lares, Victoria |
Media/Communication Studies |
Lee, Evan |
Computer Science |
Liebelt, Kaitlyn |
Literature |
Long, Jacob |
Spanish |
Lopez-Moratalla, Vanessa |
Theatre |
Mack, Taylor |
Psychology |
Madison, Katelyn |
Latin-Am/Carib Study/Bus |
Maravel, Trevor |
Biological Science |
Marsden, Lace |
Actuarial Science |
Marshall, Alison |
International Affairs |
Martin, Patricia |
Biological Science |
Mason, Casey |
Literature |
Mazzetti, Thomas |
Meteorology |
McDonald, Ryan |
Psychology |
McKeen, Courtney |
International Affairs |
Meltzer, Stephanie |
Psychology |
Messer, Haley |
International Affairs |
Morato, Alexander |
Political Science |
Morenz, Courtney |
Psychology |
Moses, Chloe |
International Affairs |
Murphy, Brittany |
Media/Communication Studies |
Nabity, Christina |
Biological Science |
Nathan, Rima |
International Affairs |
Naylor, Anita |
Political Science |
Nguyen, Cindy |
Psychology |
Nietzel, Kevin |
Music Theatre/Theatre |
Nogues, Juan |
Biochemistry |
O'Brien, Katelynn |
Biological Science |
O'Sullivan, Kerry |
Biological Science |
Olguin, Melissa |
Biological Science |
Olmedo, Krystine |
Political Science |
Opelka, Brenna |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Ordeneaux, Melissa |
Theatre (VA) |
Otterbourg, Lindsey |
International Affairs |
Palmer, Christine |
Biological Science |
Parmenter, Joshua |
Biological Science |
Payne, Kristen |
Psychology |
Pena, Nicole |
Biological Science |
Penico, Madison |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Pennavaria, Alexa |
Anthropology |
Perez, Alexander |
Biological Science |
Perron, Christopher |
History |
Peter, Shani |
Psychology |
Peterson, Raven |
Biological Science |
Peterson, Taylor |
Creative Writing |
Petruzzelli, Curtis |
Biological Science |
Philo, Shannon |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Porven, Stephanie |
Creative Writing |
Potter, Melanie |
Literature |
Raetz, Mackenzie |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Raulerson, Emily |
Chemistry |
Ringer, Aldyn |
Media/Communication Studies |
Rivera, Alexa |
Biological Science |
Robles, Monica |
Political Science |
Rocco, Giovanni |
Media/Communication Studies |
Rodriguez, Juliana |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Rodriguez, Katherin |
Biological Science |
Roen, Catherine |
Spanish |
Roeske, Samantha |
Psychology |
Roman, Rebecca |
Political Science |
Rosen, Rachel |
Psychology |
Ross, Margaret |
Psychology |
Ross, Maria De Los An |
Psychology |
Ruetz, Thomas |
Actuarial Science |
Salimy, Mehdi |
Biological Science |
Schaefer, Daniel |
Psychology |
Schumacher, Anna |
Biological Science |
Schweiger, Victoria |
Psychology |
Scotese, Francesca |
Psychology |
Seepaulsing, Nathan |
Biological Science |
Senzamici, Ariella |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Senzamici, Isabella |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Shank, Emilee |
Environmental Studies |
Shubrick, Alannah |
International Affairs |
Simpson, Carly |
Editing, Writing & Media |
Skeeters, Austin |
Physics |
Skidmore, Mary |
Media/Communication Studies |
Skipper, Robert |
Spanish |
Slay, Riley |
Media/Communication Studies |
Smith, Kaley |
Psychology |
Speranza, William |
Biochemistry |
Stewart, Jerri |
Actuarial Science |
Sturrup, Paul |
Political Science |
Sund, Andrew |
Political Science |
Supple, Cori |
Media/Communication Studies |
Susman, Ariel |
Psychology |
Szmuc, Sharon |
Media/Communication Studies |
Tami, Abigail |
Biological Science |
Tan, Vincent |
Applied Economics |
Thomas, Charlotte |
Biological Science |
Tilkin, Jonathan |
Theatre |
Toraya, Victoria |
Media/Communication Studies |
Trautmann, Ariana |
Biological Science |
Trawick, Leslie |
Psychology |
Tschann, Gregory |
Biological Science |
Tucker, Nicole |
Psychology |
Vaccaro, Augusto |
Political Science |
Vera, Katharine |
Media/Communication Studies |
Wagner, Robert |
Biological Science |
Warger, Brenda |
Environmental Studies |
Webb, Kaley |
Media/Communication Studies |
Wilder, Meghan |
Mathematics/FSU-Teach |
Williams, Hannah |
Biochemistry |
Wills, Jennifer |
Media/Communication Studies |
Wirsansky, Danielle |
Theatre |
Wood, Adam |
International Affairs |
Wood, Rachel |
Classical Archaeology |
Worthington, Tyler |
Applied Economics |
Wright, Brynna |
Psychology |
Xia, Zeqian |
Meteorology |
Yant, Shelby |
Theatre |
Yepes, Viviana |
Media/Communication Studies |
Zelaya, Roxana |
Biological Science |
Zenere, Krysten |
Literature |
Ziringer, Kara |
Music Theatre/Theatre |
Zlatic, Demery |
Theatre |