Faculty Luncheon Series - Fall 2015



FSU Writes!


The Fall 2015 FSU Faculty Luncheon Series will highlight the importance of writing as a significant component of scholarship at Florida State University, with distinguished speakers reflecting on their recent publications:


Tuesday, September 15

City of Noise: Sound and Nineteenth-Century Paris
Aimée Boutin, Professor of French


Tuesday, October 13

Gender and the Novel: Writing Italian Modernities
Silvia Valisa, Associate Professor of Italian Studies


Tuesday, November 17

Abortion Politics and the Presidential Election
Deana Rohlinger, Professor of Sociology


Tuesday, December 8

Writing about Risk
Banned: A History of Pesticides and the Science of Toxicology
Fritz Davis, Professor of History


The series is open to the public, and takes place at the Presbyterian University Center, 548 W. Park Ave. Parking is available in the lot on the north side of the Presbyterian University Center.


Luncheons begin at 12:15, and the programs follow at 12:45, concluding at 1:30. Lunches are $10 per session, and reservations are required.


All reservations must be made by noon of the Thursday before each luncheon. Please mail reservation requests to the Presbyterian University Center, 548 W. Park Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301, with a check made payable to the Presbyterian University Center and clearly marked “Faculty Luncheon Series.” In order to pay at the door, please call the Center for a reservation at 850.222.6320, or send an email to floridastatepuc@gmail.com.


The Faculty Luncheon Series is co-sponsored by the Presbyterian University Center, the FSU Faculty and Friends Club, and the Alpha of Florida Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.


For more information, please visit http://facultyluncheon.cci.fsu.edu/